
美猴王 The Monkey King (2023)-在线电影

The Monkey King 2023 film poster

《美猴王》是一部充满打斗场面的家庭喜剧,讲述了一只猴子手持金箍棒过五关斩六将,与上百个妖魔鬼怪以及龙王正面交锋,并直面最大的敌人 — 他自己!在此期间,一位年轻的乡村女孩逐渐瓦解了他以自我为中心的态度,并向他展示即使是最小的鹅卵石也能对世界产生巨大影响。

The Monkey King is a 2023 computer-animated fantasy action comedy film directed by Anthony Stacchi. The film, inspired by the epic Ming Dynasty classic Journey to the West and produced by Peilin Chou with Stephen Chow as executive producer, features the titular trickster, played by Jimmy O. Yang, who battles the Dragon King (Bowen Yang).[1] It also have supporting voice roles including Jo KoyBD Wong, Jolie Haong-Rappaport, and Stephanie Hsu.

It was selected as the closing film at the 22nd New York Asian Film Festival, where it had its world premiere on July 30, 2023.[2] It was released worldwide on Netflix on August 18, 2023. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

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